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More Newsletters

Over the years, newsletters have at times been our mainstay projects, coming as they do at regular intervals. From NGOs to colleges to corporates, each one of them arrived with the same requirement – to be of interest to the reader, and we ensured that they were, and more.

Over the years, newsletters have at times been our mainstay projects, coming as they do at regular intervals. From NGOs to colleges to corporates, each one of them arrived with the same requirement – to be of interest to the...

Walk Of Fame

The Walk Of Fame logo design was developed for a reward platform that recognized top performers and enabled sharing of appreciation notes as part of the organization’s employee value proposition.

The Walk Of Fame logo design was developed for a reward platform that recognized top performers and enabled sharing of appreciation notes as part of the organization’s employee value proposition.

Illustrated Mailers

No one likes to read dull, formal mailers. Least of all, us. And therein lies our task of creating interesting artwork which resonates with its target audience and generates a bigger response.

No one likes to read dull, formal mailers. Least of all, us. And therein lies our task of creating interesting artwork which resonates with its target audience and generates a bigger response.


Comics are always effective in communicating ideas in a simplified and engaging way, and our background in animation makes it all the more easier for us to work with this medium.

Comics are always effective in communicating ideas in a simplified and engaging way, and our background in animation makes it all the more easier for us to work with this medium.

Britannia Quality Report

As part of its submission to the annual quality award, Britannia produces a quality report that highlights its quality initiatives, processes and progress.

As part of its submission to the annual quality award, Britannia produces a quality report that highlights its quality initiatives, processes and progress.


IIMPS is a firm that enables low income informal sector workers to accumulate micro-savings for their old age. To take its MicroPension program forward, multiple training aids, presentations and program information collateral were designed. Its impact can be observed in this video.

IIMPS is a firm that enables low income informal sector workers to accumulate micro-savings for their old age. To take its MicroPension program forward, multiple training aids, presentations and program information collateral were designed. Its impact can be observed in...

The Just India Fund Report

HIVOS India is an organization that campaigns for the rights of minority communities, low income workers and tribals. The Just India Fund Annual Report highlights the areas that were covered by the fund and the progress made.

HIVOS India is an organization that campaigns for the rights of minority communities, low income workers and tribals. The Just India Fund Annual Report highlights the areas that were covered by the fund and the progress made.

The Hunger Project

The Hunger Project is a global strategic organisation working in 14 countries committed to ending hunger. In India it is committed to ignite, kindle and sustain the leadership spirit in women elected to village Panchayats.

The Hunger Project is a global strategic organisation working in 14 countries committed to ending hunger. In India it is committed to ignite, kindle and sustain the leadership spirit in women elected to village Panchayats.


Accion is a global nonprofit organization that supports microfinance institutions in their work to provide financial services to low-income clients.

Accion is a global nonprofit organization that supports microfinance institutions in their work to provide financial services to low-income clients.